I once had a business card that said: "Will work for pie." Sadly, as much as bartering for baked goods seems like a delicious idea, it just wasn't a business model my bank, or cable company would accept. Seems, their "slice" just wouldn't hack it - to push the metaphor to its limits.
These days I deliver affordable, original design work, and I do it fast. But I do require payment in the currency of the land - dollars (backed by gold of all things).
Design is my passion. I think, even under the most banal circumstances, an effective original design can make the world just a little bit better. Whether that world is your business, your lifesyle, or little Janey's graduation (can you believe how fast she grew up!?), I give you my most thoughtful, creative work - quickly and affordably. Luckily, banality can be spotted a mile away and given a good thrashing - which makes our project (yours and mine) that much more fun. I love this job. It makes me smile.
Just like pie.